Fix Gcc Assertion Debugging Issue

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    If you are getting a gcc assert debug error code on your PC, then you should check out these troubleshooting methods.

    A.1 Explicit Check For Internal Consistency

    When developing a platform, it’s often useful to have strategic places for “impossible” misses or violations of ground ruleshypotheses. These various checks are useful when debugging problems.with some interfaces between different parts, I would say for example a program.

    The macro assert, defined in the header file assert.h,provides a convenient tool for interrupting the program while a message is being printedfor example, in a program where an error was often detected.

    If you think your program is fine, you can disable the errorThe controls are controlled by the assert macro by recompiling it when it comes to NDEBUG.macro set. That means these people don’t really needChange the program purchase code to disable these checks.

    But disabling all these consistency checks is undesirable, unless it’s training.the slower. Everything else will be the same, no more mistakesIt’s good to make surethe person running the program does not change life. Knowledgeable userI’d rather have the program explicitly die than return nonsensewithout specifying cash may be incorrect.

    Macro: invalid statement (int expression)

    Preliminary:| MT Safe| AS is unsafely corrupted| Heap AC-Unsafe memory lock corrupted| See POSIX security concepts.

    Check if the programmer is sure that expression is not nullthis part of the program.

    If NDEBUG is set to be secure, assert does not check for understandingexpression. If false (null), assert abortsthe program (see Canceling a program) immediately outputs a message from the function:form:

    file:linenum: Failed to assert `expression'.

    Error Steady Stream default stderr (see Standard Stream).The filename and line information are taken from the preprocessor macros.__FILE__ and __LINE__ and indicate where the call goesassert is done. Using my GNU C compiler, nameThe target that calls assert is usually taken from a built-in function.variablesth __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; usually work with older compilersThe name followed by the colon is omitted.

    If the preprocessor macro NDEBUG was previously definedassert. If h is on, the macro assert is defined to be executedabsolutely nothing.

    Warning. The direct argument expression expression is usually notEvaluated when NDEBUG is active. So never use assertwith arguments related to lesser known effects. For asser(++i example, > 0); is a bad idea if i is not incrementedNDEBUG must be defined.

    Sometimes the "impossible" condition you want to check for help is an errorReturn a healthy system function. It can then be used to displaynot only where the program collided, but also what error was thrown.The macro assert_perror simplifies this task.

    Macro: void assert_perror(int errnum)

    Preliminary:| MT Safe| Insecure AS heap corrupted| Corrupt insecure AC memory lock| See POSIX security concept.

    Anais logical assert but asserts that errnum will be null.

    If NDEBUG is not set, check the value of assert_perror.error. If definitely non-zero, assert_perror aborts the program.after printing the actual message the form is:

    File:Line number: Function: Error text

    on any standard error. Image name, line number and functionname are similar to assert. Errors to which the text almost certainly owesstrerror (error_number). See error messages.

    gcc assert debug

    As assert if NDEBUG precedes assert.h tagthe included macro assert_perror is absolutely free. Thisdoes not evaluate the argument, so errnum must not have a pageConsequences. For errnum it's better to just look up the variableNote; often this is definitely a error.Macro

    This is a GNU extension.

    A note on usage. assert function compiled fordetection of internal inconsistencies; it's not really forInvalid or incorrect entry reported by any userP gram.

    Information contained in analytic messages returned by assertand assert_perror turned out to be a macro designed to help you, your current programmer,to find the cause of the error, plus it's not very useful to report to the real userof your program, why his girlfriend's entry is invalid, or why she couldn't be influencedbe executed. Also, your program should not stop in this case.invalid input like assert - it must be indented with a non-zero valueStatus (see exit status) after printing its error messages or maybeRead another query or move to the next key in the file.

    For more information about marketing message errors, see the "Error Messages" section.Problems that are not bugs in the program.

    file:linenum: function: assertion `expression' failed .
    File:Line number: Function: Error text

    #ifdef NDEBUG

    #define assertValue(condition) ((void)0)
    #define assert(condition) /*implementation defined*/


    The macro definition assert is defined based on another macro, NDEBUG, which is largely undefined in the standard library.

    If NDEBUG is defined as a naming macro with a place in the source code that contains , then assert can't do anything.

    If NDEBUG is not defined, then assert keeps track of its if argument (which must be a scalar type) by comparing it to null. If so, assert outputs implementation-specific standard error diagnostic information and tells abort(). The diagnostic information should add the expression text, also taking into account the values ​​of the many predefined __func__ and (since C99) specific __FILE__ and __LINE__ macros.


    state - Scalar type expression


    Return Instructions

    There is no standard screen for adding an additional message A check that can confirm errors. A portable way to enable some of these is to use the comma operator:

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    The implementation of assert in the Microsoft CRT is not necessarily C99 and later because the base function (_wasert) requires either __func__ or an equivalent replacement.



    See Also

    assert(("There are five 2 lights", + not one, but two == 5));
    #include // comment to remove assert()// Set #NDEBUG#include #include Aleading int (empty)    duplex = -1.0;    >= claim (x 0.0);    printf("sqrt(x) = %fn", sqrt(x));A   returns 0;
    Output with undefined NDEBUG:a.out: main.Main: cpp:10: assertion `x >= 0.0' failed.AOutput with NDEBUG installed:sqrt(x) means -nan
    • C17 Standard (ISO/IEC
    • 9899:2018): Assert macro (p:135)
    • C11 regular 9899:2011): (iso/iec