Easy Way To Fix Javascript Debugging Problems Using Chrome Extensions

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    Sometimes your system may generate an error code indicating that Chrome extensions are debugging JavaScript. There can be several reasons for this error. Start VS Code with your current project, open a specific extensions tab.Enter chrome in the query field.In the search results, select Debugger as Chrome and click Install.

    Extensions are designed to take advantage of the same debugging benefits as Chrome DevTools for web pages, but most users have unique behavioral properties. To become a debugger for runtime extensions, you need to understand these nifty behaviors, how extension components interact with each other and with others where you can debug errors. This guide gives developers a basic understanding of debugging extensions.

    Find the most important log

    Extensions are made up of many different segments, and they have components with individual responsibilities. Download the broken extension here to start picking protocol errors for the various extension components.

    background script

    Go to the Rust Protection Administrative Extensions page under chrome: // extensions and make sure developer mode is enabled. Click the “Unzipped download” button, select and the broken expandable directory. After loading the extension, this tool should have three buttons: Details, Delete, not to mention the errors highlighted in red.

    chrome extensions javascript debug

    Click the error icon to open the error log. The hair extension system detected a problem in my background script.

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    In addition, the Chrome DevTools control panel for background script should open from the blue link next to Test Views.

       chrome.runtime.oninstalled.addListener (function ()  
    chrome.storage.sync.set (color: '# 3aa757',
    function () console. log ('Color is considered green.');
    chrome.declarativeContent.onPageChanged.removeRules (undefined, function ()
    Chrome .declarativeContent.onPageChanged.addRules ([
    conditions: [new chrome.declarativeContent.PageStateMatcher (
    hostEquals: pageUrl: 'developer.chrome.com', < br>)],
    Actions: [new chrome.declarativeContent.ShowPageAction ()]

    Knowledge Script is trying to listen for some of the onInstalled events, but the property name is capitalized “I”. Update the style to reflect the correct call, click most of the Delete buttons in the upper right corner, then reload the extension.

    Now that this particular extension has been properly initialized, other components can be tested further. Refresh this page, open a new tab and go to almost every page on developer.chrome.com, open it and click the popup, then click the green square. And … nothing happens.

    Return to the Extension Management page. The Human Errors button appears again. Click to view the new log. Error,

    chrome extensions javascript debug

    tabs really not defined : The extension doesn’t know where to put the content script. This can be corrected by calling possibly tabs.query () and then selecting the active tab.

      Provide = changeColor document.getElementById ('changeColor'); 

    chrome.storage.sync.get (['color'], (color) =>
    ChangeColor .style. backgroundColor implies color;
    changeColor.setAttribute ("value", color);

    changeColor.addEventListener ("click", () =>
    Chrome .tabs .query (active: currentWindow: true, true, function (tabs)
    < mark> chrome.scripting.executeScript (
    tabs [0] .id,
    Function: setColor);
    ); asynchronous function setColor ()

    let color = wait a bit chrome.storage.sync.get (['color']);
    document.body.style.backgroundColor = color;

    Update the code, click the “Clear more or less everything” button in the upper right corner, then reload the extension.

    content script

    How do I debug Chrome extensions locally?

    Go to the Opera extensions admin page under chrome: // extensions and positive developer mode is enabled. Click the Unzipped Download button and select the directory with the wrong data format. After loading the extension, three buttons should appear on it: “Details”, “Remove” and, in addition, “Errors” highlighted in red letters.

    Refresh the page, open the popup and click the green box. And … no, the background still has no colors! Advanced Return to the Manage Extensions page and … there is a No Errors button. The content script that can run on the web page is likely to blame.

    Open the DevTools panel of the website that is trying to change the data format.

    On the administration page, the extensionOnly run-time errors, console.warning and console.error , are logged.

    To use DevTools less than a content script, click the dropdown pointer above and select the entire extension.

    The so-called color error is undefined. The proxy server should not be passing the number correctly. Correct the inserted script to insert the color variable into the code.

      document.body.style.backgroundColor = "'+ color +'";  

    Extension tabs

    Logs for subpages that are displayed in tabular form, such as displaying alternate pages and full page options, are available in the website console and the administrative extensions page.

    Tracking contextual network requests

    This will always meet all the networking needs you need even before even the fastest developers can open DevTools. To view these update tasks in a network window. It tends to reload pop-ups without being closed My DevTools panel.

    Declare permissions

    While extenders have similar functionality to websites, they often need permission to use certain functionality, such as cookies, storage, and XMLHttpRequests from different sources. Read the article on Permissions and Commonly Available Chrome APIs to make sure the proxy is requesting the correct permissions in its manifest.

    "name": "Bad background color",
    "version": "1.0",
    "description": "Correct a specific extension!",
    Permissions: [
    "options_page": "options.html",
    "service_worker": "background.js"
    "default_popup": "popup.html",
    "16": "images / get_started16.png",
    "32": "images / get_started32.png ",
    " 48 ":" images / get_started48.png ",
    " 128 ":" images / get_started128.png "

    " icons ":
    "16": "images / get_started16.png",
    "32": "images / get_started32.png",
    "48": "images / get_started48.png",
    "128": "images / get_started128.png"
    "manifest_version": 3

    Next steps

    Learn more about debugging extensionssee the Development and Debugging section. For more information on Chrome Devtools, see our documentation.

    Improve the speed of your computer today by downloading this software - it will fix your PC problems.

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