How Do You Handle The Getinputstream Servlet Request?


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    Here are some simple methods to help you solve the getinputstream servlet request problem. g.request.getInputStream () is used to get the get body. This way, you only get the metabolism of the request, not the whole business. Request.getHeaders () is only used to get HTTP headers. If you want to get the HTTP method, you can use request.getMethod ().




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    request.getInputStream () – Allowed single read time. If we want to use this method more than once, we may need to perform a custom tedious task for the HttpServletReqestWrapper class. See my example of a complex shell below.

    Public Class

      MultiReadHttpServletRequest extends HttpServletRequestWrapper    private ByteArrayOutputStream cachedBytes;    public MultiReadHttpServletRequest (HttpServletRequest request)        super (request);        @ Crush    public ServletInputStream getInputStream () throws an IOException        if (cachedBytes == null)            cacheInputStream ();        return the just purchased CachedServletInputStream ();        @ Crush    public BufferedReader getReader () throws IOException        return a new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (getInputStream ()));        private void cacheInputStream () throws IOException        / *         * Buffer the input stream in the order in which it is read multiple times. For simplicity, I'll be using Apache.commons IOUtils.         * /        cachedBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream ();        IOUtils.copy (super.getInputStream (), cachedBytes);        / * The input stream that reads the cached body test * /    public fortunef CachedServletInputStream extends ServletInputStream        private writing ByteArrayInputStream;        Client CachedServletInputStream ()            / * Create a new input stream entirely from the cached request text * /            input = new ByteArrayInputStream (cachedBytes.toByteArray ());                @ Crush        public int read () throws an IOException            return ();             

    servlet request getinputstream

    In my case, I track all incoming requests. I created a filter

    Public class helper filter TracerRequestFilter

         private fixed final logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger (TracerRequestFilter.class);   @ Crush     publicly destroy unnecessarily ()       @ Crush     the widely available void doFilter (ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) throws an IOException,        Servlet Exception        last request HttpServletRequest = (HttpServletRequest);        Try            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled ())                Close MultiReadHttpServletRequest WrappedRequest New = MultiReadHttpServletRequest (req);                // Debug payload information                logPayLoad (wrappedRequest);                chain.doFilter (wrappedRequest, response);             like                chain.doFilter (request, response);                     in the end   ("End of process");string sensitive getRemoteAddress (HttpServletRequest request)        String ipAddress = req.getHeader ("X-FORWARDED-FOR");        in case (ip-address == null) ipAddress = req.getRemoteAddr ();                return the IP address;        unique void logPayLoad (HttpServletRequest)    @ Crush    open to public init (FilterConfig void arg0) throws ServletException     

    servlet request getinputstream

    For me this works with both Servlets 2.5 and 3.0. I only see request parameters, both form encoded requests and Json bodies.



    Improve the speed of your computer today by downloading this software - it will fix your PC problems.

    What is request parameter in servlet?

    Request parameters are exclusive information sent along with the request. For HTTP servlets, parameters are included in the search string or provided form data. You only need to use this method if you can be sure that the parameter has only one speed. If the parameter can be carriedhow many values ​​use getParameterValues ​​(java. Lang.

    What is servlet request wrapper?

    Provides a practical implementation of the ServletRequest interface that can be subordinate to creative designers looking to adapt a request to a different servlet. This class implements the wrapper using the decorator pattern. By default, methods call the wrapped request object. Since: Servlet 2.3 See also: ServletRequest.

    What is getInputStream in Java?

    The getInputStream () method of the Java Socket class returns the input stream for the given most important socket. If you close the exchanged InputStream, the associated socket is closed.




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