How Do I Fix Debug Builds?

In this user guide, we will identify some of the possible causes that can cause debugging of the assembly and then suggest some possible fixes that you can try to resolve the issue. The debugger inevitably displays the contents of memory positions and registers on access, and also displays the program counter address at the … Read more

VS2008 Custom Debug Actions General Store

Over the past few days, some readers have informed us that they have encountered custom debug actions from vs2008. How do I debug a custom action with elevated privileges? If you are debugging a custom action that is performed with elevated (system) privileges in the execution sequence, place the debugger in Windows Installer Products and … Read more

What Is The Video Codec Inspector And How To Fix It

  In some cases, your system may display a message pointing to the Video Codec Inspector. This problem can be caused by a number of reasons. g.To determine which codec is used for a particular file, play the file in a player if possible. While playing the file, right-click the Instigator in the library and … Read more