Troubleshooting DNS Issues In Windows Server 2008

Over the past few weeks, some users have encountered an error code while trying to troubleshoot DNS issues in Windows Server 2008. This issue can occur due to several factors. Now we will discuss them. Open a command prompt and type “ipconfig / release”, press ENTER to get the details of the IP address.Enter ‘ipconfig … Read more

How To Troubleshoot DNS Problems That Are Not Resolved In Windows XP

You may see an error code indicating that DNS is not resolved on Windows XP. There are different ways to fix this problem, so we’ll get to that soon. What could be causing the problems with the perfect DNS server on my Windows XP or Vista PC? DNS Web itself has lost its connection to … Read more

Steps To Troubleshoot Cable Modem DNS Error

  Sometimes, your computer may display an error code indicating that it is showing cable modem DNS errors. There can be many reasons for this error. g.Resetting your router may help resolve your DNS problem. When a router is considered to be reset, its cache is refreshed. What kind of guy can solve the problem. … Read more