An Easy Way To Troubleshoot GPS NMEA Sentence Checksums.

In this guide, we describe some of the possible causes that can generate NMEA gps sentence checksums, and then I suggest several possible ways to solve this problem. The NMEA data structure for global positioning readers (GPS) has a significant checksum at the end of each semester. The checksum is XOR for all bytes between … Read more

VS2008 Custom Debug Actions General Store

Over the past few days, some readers have informed us that they have encountered custom debug actions from vs2008. How do I debug a custom action with elevated privileges? If you are debugging a custom action that is performed with elevated (system) privileges in the execution sequence, place the debugger in Windows Installer Products and … Read more

Windows 7 Infrared Remote Hardware Initialization Solutions

  This user guide will point out some of the possible causes that can cause the Windows 7 infrared remote control hardware initialization to fail, and then I will provide you with several ways to try and resolve this issue.     This card comes with a dedicated Hauppauge remote and IR receiver that attaches … Read more

The Section On Installing The Service In This Info Should Be Removed. XP Issues Not Valid

  If you have a section on installing a service in this invalid XP info, then this tutorial will help you. g.The service installation section in this INF is invalid. This behavior occurs even if the driver INF file contains content that is not available in the Driver folder and is not normally available on … Read more

Tips To Fix Crc-mismatch Error In File

  Here are some simple methods that can help you troubleshoot crc-Mismatch. CRC stands for Cyclic Redundancy Check. If these two CRC values ​​do not match, the extracted file will in no way match the original file, and WinZip will most likely display a CRC error message. If our data in the zip file gets … Read more