Best Way To Troubleshoot Kerberos Subsystems


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    If you find that the Kerberos subsystem on your computer has encountered an error message, check out these repair tips. The Kerberos subsystem encountered a specific PAC validation error. This indicates that the PAC of the returning client in the zone often had a PAC that could not be verified or corrected. Check with your system administrator.



    I’m trying to let you configure dynamic security. Viewing cubes with the current user or recently discussed role works fine.

    the kerberos subsystem encountered an error

    As soon as I try to look at the cube with user credentials, I get the following error:

    The following system error has occurred:The Kerberos subsystem encountered an error. User log related service requested for actuala domain controller that does not support user experience. … SQL (Microsoft Server ’08 Analysis Services)

    at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Browse.CubeBrowser..ctor (String nameOfCube, Object cube, IServiceProvider iserviceProvider, DesignerPageRelevantData designerPageRelevantData, UserContextData securityContextData)

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    I configured a completely different setting for a different client and it works great. Understanding what might be causing this behavior ?

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    event id 7
    Source Kerberos
    Description The Kerberos subsystem encountered a PAC validation error. This means that the PAC for clients in the field is the only PAC that cannot be verified or has probably been changed. Contact your system administrator Ou.
    Event To Information according to Microsoft:
    Make sure the secure channel is no longer at a high level by running nltest.exe from the induction command on the controller domain. If the secure channel is not working, restore the domain that controls the service account.
    the kerberos subsystem encountered an error

    Nltest.exe is available on every Microsoft Windows Server Resource Kit CD.

    User Response:
    Kerberos cannot authenticate the web application user because the server cannot validate the Client Capability Attribute (PAC) certificate. This happens when a domain with a service account has crashed and the secure funnel between the computer that actually runs the service and the domain with that service account has crashed.
    This newsgroup post might help you:
    ———————————– ————- ————————————- ——————-
    This issue can indeed be caused by various causes, as shown below.
    1) If the KDC service is in one of the remote domains, the commands are disabled.
    2) In the Windows 2000/2003 Servers OU with Active Directory support, if the DNS serverver works on almost all other systems and the domain controller was started before the DNS server started, this event will happen when you are confident. The domain controller does not perform office and name resolution without DNS. 3) If you enable “Secure Domain Logon” directly on the VPN client, this error may occur.occurred.
    ——————————————— – – ———————— ————————- – ——–.

    References Microsoft Product: Windows Operating System Version: System 5.2 Event Source: Kerberos Event ID: 7

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