Fixed: How To Fix Jsp Exception Error.


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    Today’s tutorial is written to help you if you get a jsp exception error. g.Exceptions are thrown in JSPs when an error in the code can be caused by a developer, or an internal error can be caused by the system. Exception handling in JSP is literally the same as in Java, where my spouse and I handle exceptions using Try Catch blocks. In JSP, unlike Java, there are exceptions when there is no error in the human code.




    In this chapter. We will discuss an easy way to handle exceptions in JSP. Writing JSP code can lead to coding errors that can appear anywhere in the code. The following errors may appear in your JSP code:

    Exceptions Checked

    What is JSP exception?

    The exception is usually an object that is run at runtime. Exception handling is a type of process used to handle run-time errors. There are two ways in JSP to successfully handle exceptions: byusing the errorPage attributes and simply using the isErrorPage attributes of the page directive. Depending on the depth of on the web.

    A checked omission is an exception that is sometimes a user error or problem and therefore cannot be predicted by the programmer. For example, if the file needs to be opened further, but the file cannot be found, an exception is thrown. These exceptions cannot be ignored at compile time only.

    Execution Exceptions

    The runtime is an exception, an exception that this programmer could probably have avoided. Unlike checked conditions, runtime exceptions are ignored at some point during compilation.


    These are hardly any exceptions, but rather problems that arise outside the area of ​​responsibility of the user or program ammista. Errors are usually ignored in your code because you can rarely do something about a serious error. For example, an overflow error occurs. Whether they were ignored at compile time at the time.

    We will talk more about how to handle uptime exceptions / errors in your jsp code.

    Use Object

    Throwing an exception object is an event of a Throwable subclass (for example, java.lang. NullPointerException) and is only available in error messages and articles. The following table lists the required methods available in the Throwable class.

    No. Methods and Description

    public string getMessage ()

    Returns a detailed description of the exception that was thrown. This message is initialized in the Throwable constructor.


    get one-time public reason ()

    Gets the reason for the exception as a Throwable object.


    public string toString ()

    Returns the name of the field associated with the getMessage () result.


    public printStackTrace ()

    Prints an empty result toString () with some stack trace to System.err, product stream with error.


    public StackTraceElement [] getStackTrace ()

    Returns an array containing each element of the trace stack. The element at index 0 represents the largest element in the call stack, and the constant element in the array represents the most important method at the bottom of the call stack.


    one-time public fillInStackTrace ()

    Populates the trace stack for this Throwable Object with the current stack order and adds any previous stack information to the trace.


    JSP gives you the ability to specify a page error directly for each JSP. Every time the page throws an exception, the JSP will automatically call the error page in the container.

    Below is usually an example of specifying an error website for the main a.jsp file. To create some kind of error page, use the <% @ page operator, which implies errorPage "xxx"%>.

    <% @ page errorPage equals "ShowError.jsp"%> Error Handling Example <% // Throw an exception to trigger an error page int x matches 1; if (x == 1) host new RuntimeException ("Error state !!!"); %>

    We are now writing the ShowError.jsp JSP error handling error, which is listed below. Note that most of the error handling page contains a page with instructions <% @ isErrorPage = "true"%>. This statement causes the JSP compiler to generate the appropriate exception instance variable.

    <% @ page isErrorPage implies "true"%> Show error page

    Operations …

    Sorry, this is a deliberate mistake.

    Exception trace should be here: Stack

     <% exception.printStackTrace (response.getWriter ()); %> 

    When you access the main.jsp file, you can get output similar to the following:

    java.lang.RuntimeException: error condition !!!……Ops …Sorry, an error has occurred.This is where the exception stack trace should go:

    Use JSTL For Tag Cloud Error Page

    With JSTL tags, you can write a page withShowError.jsp error. This page has almost the same logic as the example above, with improved design and more information.The <% @ taglib prefix is ​​"c" uri = ""%><% @ page isErrorPage implies%> “true” <title> Show error page

    Operations …

    Error: $ pageContext.Exception URI: $ pageContext.errorData.requestURI Status code: $ pageContext.errorData.statusCode Stack trace:

    $ trace


    jsp exception error

    java.lang.RuntimeException: error condition !!!



    Status code:


    jsp exception error

    Stack trace:

    org.apache.jsp.main_jsp._jspService ( 65)

    org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service (

    javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service (

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    ASR Pro is the ultimate solution for your PC repair needs! Not only does it swiftly and safely diagnose and repair various Windows issues, but it also increases system performance, optimizes memory, improves security and fine tunes your PC for maximum reliability. So why wait? Get started today!

    org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service (

    javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service (

    Using The Try … Catch Block

    If you want to handle errors on the same page and then perform an action similar to creating an error page, you can use a try …. catch block.

    Just follow the example that shows you how to work with a try … catch block. Let’s put all the following code in main.jsp –

    Try it … a memorable example <% Try integer i = 1; i = i 0; out.println ("This word" + i); Contract (exception e) out.println ("An exception occurred": + f. getmessage ()); %>

    Accessing main.jsp should throw something like the following exception â ’

    happened: / from free

    ‘; var adpushup is equivalent to adpushup || ; adpushup.que = adpushup.que || []; adpushup.que.push (function () Adpushup .triggerAd (ad_id); );



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    How can we handle the exception in JSP?

    Using Blunder Page and isErrorPage. Syntax: <% @ description page errorPage = "Exception.jsp"%>Try to catch Block. This method is known to catch exceptions directly using the Adore Core Java try-and-catch block. Example:Use the Internet. xml configuration.

    What happens if an exception is thrown from a JSP?

    Every time the page throws an exception, the JSP container automatically navigates to the error url site. Here’s an example of specifying one error page for the home page. jsp. To customize the error page, use one of our <% @ page errorPage = "xxx"%> directives.




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