How To Fix A Dreamweaver Error Currently Interacting With A Server Error


If Dreamweaver is currently dealing with a server error, this article will help you.

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    In Registry Editor (regedit.exe) add the following control “HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Adobe Dreamweaver CC Site OnIdle”:

    • Type = “String value” (REG_SZ) | Name = short waiting time | Value means 6000
    • Type = “String value” (REG_SZ) | Name = average latency | The value is 45000.
    • Type = “String value” (REG_SZ) | The name implies a long wait | Cost = 300000

    Edit a specific Adobe Dreamweaver Prefs file in ~ / Library / Preferences and combine the following entries for [SITE ONIDLE]

    • short waiting time = 6000
    • Average waiting time = 45,000.
    • long waiting time = 300000

    Note. The above workaround does not prevent the email message from opening, it reduces the number of times the message is displayed.


    When uploading files to a remote site in Dreamweaver, you might see a restriction notification window

    Dreamweaver is definitely communicating with the server at this time.
    Because a server connection is required to save the file, Dreamweaver is currently unable to complete this task.
    Repeat p try on the event server, the task is completed.


    Since there is i. H. Click [OK], I used to press [Return] so the server can continue to grow. But is there a better way to avoid this?


    1. Go to Site> Manage Sites> [Site Name]> Edit …> Remote Information
    2. Disable (disable / disable) “Automatically upload files from repository to server”
    3. Click [Return] or [OK]

    This solves our problem. Now we only get a long “wait for the server …”. It usually does take a few seconds, but at least no user interaction is required.

    When uploading valid facts, files that are automatically saved on save can create serious problems if you make a mistake. At least if you’ve only saved the file locally, you can use remote tracking to fix your mistakes. Just save the file locally under a different name so you can remember any useful changes you make (for example, you want to overwrite the fayl.

    dreamweaver is currently interacting with a server error

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