Suggestions How To Fix Win32 Fillrect


In some cases, your computer may display an error code indicating win32 fillrect. This error can have various reasons.

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    • 2 minutes to read.

    The FillRect function hits a rectangle with a broom. This feature includes the left and base frames, but excludes the right frames and rectangle components.


      int FillRect (  [in] HDC-HDC,  [in] const RECT * lprc,  [inch] HBROSH hbr); 


    Indicatespruce on a RECT structure containing logical coordinates of a rectangular shape to fill.

    Returns The Brush Value

    The parameter assigned to hbr can be either a handle to a logical brush or the most recent color value. When specifying a handle to help you with a boolean brush, call one of the following functions to get the handle: CreateHatchBrush , CreatePatternBrush , or CreateSolidBrush . You can also use the GetStockObject function to access a handle to one of the brushes. If you specify a color value to work with the hbr parameter, it must be one of the standard system colors (a value of 1 should indeed be added to the selected color). For example:

     FillRect (hdc, & rect, (HBRUSH) (COLOR_WINDOW + 1)); 

    For a list of all standard system colors, see GetSysColor .

    When filling the specified rectangle, the FillRect does not necessarily respect the right and bottom corners of the enclosed rectangle. Gdi fills the rectangle to the right column and row of the part, only without the column and row of the right part, regardless of the current modema applications.



    Client supported at least Windows 2000 Professional Applications [Desktop Only]
    Minimum Server Time Windows 2000 Server Applications [Desktop Only]
    Target Platform Windows
    Title winuser.h (including Windows.h)
    Library User32.lib
    DLL User32.dll
    API Kit ext-ms-win-ntuser-gui-l1-1-0 (introduced in Windows 8)

    See Also

    Not The Answer You Are Looking For? Check Out Other Questions Tagged With Clear Graphics C ++ Visual-c ++ Gdi, Or Ask Your Own Personal Question.

    This is usually a warning, not all errors. In this case, it also seems wrong.

      HDC hdc = CreateDC (TEXT ("DISPLAY"), NULL, NULL, NULL);RECT rect means 30, 50, 100, 200;Brush HBROSH = CreateSolidBrush (RGB (50, 151, 151));FillRect (HDC, & rect, brush);DeleteObject (kitB); 

    Note how CreateSolidBrush is used – color conversion to HBRUSH is unlikely to work.

    answered Apr 14, 2013 at 17:52

    win32 fillrect


      (HBRUSH) (RGB (40 151 151)) 

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    You cannot run RGB color in HBRUSH in a meaningful way. The only way to get HBRUSH is to ask the system for it.

    So get them involved in creating a real brush, which in most cases will create one of the API functions. For example, CreateSolidBrush .

      HBRUSH hBrush = CreateSolidBrush (RGB (40,151,151)); 

    When you’re done with the brush, contact DeleteObject and return to the resources in the system.

    Usually every time you create a cast, you find the code is incredibly suspiciouslinen. Always try to write code when you don’t have casts.

    win32 fillrect

    answered Apr 19, 2013 6:27 pm


    win32 fillrect



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