Numbers – published by Dingliang Wang

rrm codec


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How many times protocol compliance testing has become something common. During development, the TD_LTE radio tester type must be configured according to the protocol specifications. Special programming languages ​​such as TTCN-3 and tools are available for this. This document creates a conformance test product based on the TTCN-3 standard test notation and details the conformance testing process.

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TTCN-3 can be an abstract language for defining abstract test suites. Encoding TTCN-3 Variables in the sense of physically transmitted messages and decoding many strings in their representation Ttcn-3 is an external specialized component called CoDec. CoDec development must be explicitly or implicitly included in any ttcn-3 testing activity. Experience has shown that the development and maintenance of CoDec is associated with high costs. This article introduces mea methodological approach to simplifying CoDec development. The approach has also been designed to help you. This allows developers to complete the codec by simply creating an XML file. It currently only helps a few types of logs, it provides a structure that can be extended to allow them to support more and more log history formats.

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Introduction to TTCN-3

  • V. Colin
  • < li> D Stephan

  • K thomas
  • t Stefan
  • E Federico
  • S Stephan

Colin, W., Thomas, D., Stefan, T., Stefan, K., Federico, E. & Stefan, S. (2005). Introduction toTTSN-3. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 23-24.