Print Subsystem Troubleshooting Is Not Available

Sometimes your computer may display an error message stating that the printing subsystem is not available. There can be several reasons for this problem.

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    To fix the error, the printer subsystem is not available, you need to modify the Windows PC registry. Be extremely careful when modifying the Windows registry, as any negligence can cause your computer to malfunction. To edit the registry, your workstation account must have administrator rights.

    Borrowed from
    Introduction. The Spoolsv.exe error message or none of the resources can occur as a result of installing the HP LaserJet printer driver, but can be caused by installing other freeware programs that create port monitors on PCs, such as AutoCAD or ™ Adobe (R) Acrobat ( R). This document will help you determine the reason for removing the spoolsv error. Or exe outside of resources.

    Additional information from Microsoft on this issue – This document is based on Microsoft Knowledge Base document Q260142 How do I troubleshoot printing problems in Windows 2000 – Microsoft? Windows 2000 Professional – Microsoft Windows 2000 Server “for more information on troubleshootingladok. See the document on the Microsoft Enhanced Boost site.

    Troubleshooting Guidelines
    These errors often cause all printing to permanently stop after a restart. In case of spoolsv.exe errors, the Reel service has disappeared and therefore you cannot try to start or stop the service. Trying to do this, or just hoping to find a folder in the printer, will most likely throw an error as well.

    How do I fix a network printer that is not printing?

    Make sure the printer is turned on and connected to the same Wi-Fi network as the device.Turn the printer off and on again.Set the current printer as the default printer.Delete that particular print queue.Reset the service that manages the print queue.

    These problems can occur when a third-party program changes the default local port monitor. It might be the perfect third party port monitor that has set the settings in the registry that is causing the whole problem. To resolve this issue, you must modify the registry type directly to remove the registry entries for the third-party port monitor.

    Why does my computer say my printer is unavailable?

    The “Printer Vehicle Unavailable” error means that the correct driver for your printer is out of date or out of date. If the desktop computer doesn’t recognize the driver or what it does, you won’t be able to access and use your printer to make sure You are printing jobs.

    Check the following registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control Print Monitors for third-party monitor registry entries. Remove all non-standard monitors except HP Standard TCP / IP Port by right-clicking it and choosing Uninstall.

    If any of the following entries are present, try to remove it first, HP Master Monitor or HP LaserJet 5 Voice Monitor.

    If the issues are still not resolved, try removing the remaining individual third port monitors in between for further testing.

    If the problem persists, see Microsoft Knowledge Base Document.

    NOTE. Removing port monitors for a specific use may disable the printing functionality of this application. In this case, the application may need to be uninstalled and then reinstalled.

    Crying For …
    Troubleshoot MS Windows


    If you try to add a device (via “Add Printer” in ControlPanel> Printer or Start> Settings> Printer), a dialog box appears withthe following error occurs immediately:

    Printer cannot continue due to minimal resourcesfrom. Subsystem printing is not available.


    print subsystem is unavailable

    This symbol indicates a problem with the print spooler service.- usually does not work.

    Possible Solution:

    • Check if the print spooler is running:
      1. Start> Settings> Control Panel
      2. Hell toolsIllustrating> Services
      3. Search for the Print Spooler service.
      4. Make sure automatic mode is selected for startup.
      5. If it fails, it will execute (right clickand select “Start”)
    • The following link has also been recommended:

    About the author: Brian Cryer ais a software publisher and a dedicated webmaster. For his work, a person develops websites, workstations and applications, and also provides computer services. He works by moonlight as a technical writer and consultant.

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