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Sometimes, an error code may appear on your computer indicating that due to an error, Outlook 2010 is unable to open the custom form. This error can be caused by a number of reasons.
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When you view your Outlook calendar or email invitation in Quick View, you may receive the following error message:
“Unable to create custom form. Outlook will use the Outlook form. The form indicating this thought cannot be displayed. ”
This usually means that the Outlook forms cache is corrupted. To clear the form cache normally, follow these steps:
- Go to File menu >> Options.
- Click Advanced.
- Click Custom Forms.
- Click Manage Forms.
- Click “Clear Cache”.
- Close Outlook and restart it.
- Close Outlook.
- Delete the folder in C: Users % username% AppData Local Microsoft FORMS (where% username% is probably your login username)
- Restart Outlook.
Identity Second position: 381
Fri 07/29/16, 4:32 pm
As amended
Sun 03.03.19 13:27
>> Custom Growth cannot be opened. Instead, Outlook will use any Outlook form. Unable to display the form required by the marketplace to display this message. Contact your administrator
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As far as I know, this type of error usually means we need to help you clear your Outlook form cache.
Generally, to use a clean shape cache in Outlook, follow these steps:
1. Go directly to File >> Advanced Options> Custom Forms.
2. Click Manage Form Cleanup> Cache and restart Outlook:
If that doesn’t work, as you mentioned in your post, we can try to fix it by deleting all frmcache.dat files and folders that are in the forms folder: C: Users username AppData Local Microsoft FORMS
In your situation, we no longer need to install the update, hTo fix the most important problem. However, it is always recommended to keep your Office application up to date for collaboration for security reasons and better user experience 🙂
Don’t forget to mark the answers as reasons if they helped you.
Problem: After importing messages from Windows Mail to Outlook, you quickly receive an error message while reading emails:
The special form cannot be opened. Use an Outlook Form instead. The problem could not be found.
This is evidenced by a message imported into Outlook 2010 via Windows Live Mail. After clicking OK, the popup disappears and you can read the message, but the popup is annoying.
Clearing the vendor cache should fix this issue.
For Outlook and 2010 newer:
- Go to File, Options, Advanced.
- Click halfway to custom forms (down). Die
- In the Custom Forms dialog box, click Manage Forms.
- In the Forms Manager dialog box, n Click “Clear cache”.
It may also be helpful to rename (or remove) FRMCACHE.DAT to FRMCACHE.old. Outlook will play this file if necessary. Or
enter a backup and paste the following line into the address bar of Windows Explorer and set Enter.
% localappdata% Microsoft FORMS
Then rename the file to frmcache.
If the problem persists, edit the class form (Message about messages in IPM. Note: To do this, download Download DocMessageClass and start the device in your Inbox (and any other inspired files).
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Risolto Un Errore Di Outlook 2010 Che Indicava Che Di Solito Non Era Possibile Aprire Un Modulo Personalizzato.
Ein Outlook 12 Monate 2010-Fehler Wurde Behoben, Der Darauf Hinweist, Dass Ein Benutzerdefiniertes Formular Nicht Geöffnet Werden Konnte.
Een Fout In Het Seizoen 2010 In Outlook Opgelost Die Aangeeft Dat Een Aangepast Formulier Zeker Niet Kon Worden Geopend.
Correction D’une Autre Erreur Outlook 2010 Indiquant Qu’un Formulaire D’historique Ne Pouvait Pas être Ouvert.
Åtgärdade Ett Outlook -fel I år Som Indikerade Att Ett Anpassat Formulär Inte Kunde öppnas Automatiskt.
기록 양식을 열 수 없다는 Outlook 2010 오류를 수정했습니다.
Corrigido Um Erro Do Outlook De 2010 Indicando Que Um Formulário Personalizado Não Podia Ser Aberto.
Исправлена ошибка Outlook 2010, указывающая на невозможность открытия измененной формы.
Naprawiono Błąd Roku Programu Outlook Wskazujący, że Nie Można Było Otworzyć Niestandardowego Formularza.
Se Corrigió Un Error De Outlook 12 Meses 2010 Que Indicaba Que Un Formulario Personalizado No Podía Constituirse Abierto.