How To Fix An Error With An Unrecognized Command Line Parameter – Werror = Missing-prototypes


You should read these repair tips if werror = missing-prototypes error appears on your PC.

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     [Build 30%] CXX-Objektmodule / core / CMakeFiles / opencv_core.dir / src / matrix_iterator.cpp.occ1plus: Warning: Command line solution "-Wmissing-prototypes" is valid for C / ObjC, but not for C ++cc1plus: warning: command line "-Wstrict-prototypes" is valid for C / ObjC for C ++, but not because of it[30%] Create CXX object modules / core / CMakeFiles / opencv_core.dir / src / matrix_operations.cpp.occ1plus: Warning: The "-Wmissing-prototypes" command line parameter is valid for C / ObjC, but not for C ++.cc1plus: Warning: command line route '-Wstrict-prototypes' is valid for C / ObjC, but not limited to, C ++[30%] Generating CXX model modules / core / CMakeFiles / opencv_core.dir / src / matrix_sparse.cpp.occ1plus: Warning: command line option -Wmissing-prototypes is valid for C / ObjC but not C ++cc1plus: Warning: command line function "-Wstrict-prototypes" is valid for C / ObjC, but not for C ++.[30%] Creation of CXX articles modules / core / CMakeFiles / opencv_core.dir / src / matrix_wrap.cpp.occ1plus: Warning: command line option -Wmissing-prototypes makes sense for C / ObjC but not C ++cc1plus: Warning: The -Wstrict-prototypes command line option is valid for C / ObjC for C ++, but not for C ++[30%] Creating CXX object modules / core / CMakeFiles / opencv_core.dir /src / mean.dispatch.cpp.occ1plus: Warning: command line option '-Wmissing-prototypes' is definitely valid for C / ObjC but not C ++cc1plus: Warning: command line option -Wstrict-prototypes is valid for C / ObjC but not C ++[30%] Creating CXX object modules / core / CMakeFiles / opencv_core.dir / src / merge.dispatch.cpp.occ1plus: Warning: Command line method "-Wmissing-prototypes" is valid for C / ObjC, but not available for C ++.cc1plus: Warning: The "-Wstrict-prototypes" command line option is suitable for C / ObjC, but not for C ++.[30%] Creating CXX object modules / core / CMakeFiles / opencv_core.dir / src / minmax.cpp.o
      cc1plus: Warning: command line option '-Wno-missing-prototypes' is valid for C / ObjC, but definitely not for C ++[8%] Building CXX-Ziel 3rdparty / openexr / CMakeFiles / IlmImf.dir / Half / half.cpp.occ1plus: Warning: command line parameter "-Wstrict-prototypes" is good for C / ObjC, but not for warning: C ++cc1plus: "-Wno-missing-prototypes" command line option applies to C / ObjC but not C ++[8%] Create a 3rdparty / libtiff / CMakeFiles / libtiff.dir / tif_dirwrite.c object. ??[8%] Create C object 3rdparty / libjasper / CMakeFiles / libjasper.dir / jpc_enc.c.occ1: Warning: The -Wsign-Promo command line parameter must be valid Available for C ++ / ObjC ++, but not for Ccc1: Warning: command line option -Wsuggest-override is valid for C ++ / ObjC ++ but not for Ccc1: Warning: Vaudeville command line "-Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor" just doesn't apply to C ++ / ObjC ++cc1: Warning: the -fvisibility-inlines-hidden command line option is indeed valid for C ++ / ObjC ++, but does not apply to Ccc1: Warning: command line parameter -Wsign-Promo is valid for C ++ / ObjC ++ but not Ccc1: Warning: command line option -Wsuggest-override is valid for C ++ / ObjC ++ but not for Ccc1: Warning: select the command line "-Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor" which is valid for C ++ / ObjC ++, but not also for Ccc1: Warning: command line parameter -fvisibility-inlines-hidden is considered valid for C ++ / ObjC ++ but not C[8%] Create C object 3rdparty / libjpeg-turbo / CMakeFiles / libjpeg-turbo.dir / src / jdatasrc.c.occ1: signal: command line option "-Wsign-Promo" applies to C ++ / ObjC ++ but not Ccc1: Warning: "-Wsuggest-override" command line approach applies to C ++ / ObjC ++ but not Ccc1: Warning: command line option -Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor is indeed valid for C ++ / ObjC ++, but not for Ccc1: Warning: command line parameter -fvisibility-inlines-hidden applies to C ++ / ObjC ++ but not C[8%] Create C object 3rdparty / libjpeg-turbo / CMakeFiles / libjpeg-turbo.dir / src / jdcoefct.c.occ1: Warning: command line method -Wsign-Promo is valid for C ++ / ObjC ++ but no longer valid for Ccc1: Warning: command line parameter -Wsuggest-override is valid for C ++ / ObjC ++ but not valid for Ccc1: Warning: command line option -Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor is valid for C ++ / ObjC ++ searches, but not Ccc1: Warning: The "-fvisibility-inlines-hidden" command line alternative applies to C ++ / ObjC ++, but not to 

    I have strange behavior with g ++ that displays an unknown command line parameter warning when another warning is displayed.

      struct Foovirtual int bar () is 0 ;;struct Bar: public Fooint bar () return 0; above all() 

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    compile;int next to g ++ - 5 -Wsuggest-override -Wno-c99-extensions -std = c ++ 11 a.cpp quite possibly or g ++ - 5 - Wsuggest-override -Wno-c99- a.cpp extensions show:

      a.cpp: 2: 27: Signal: "virtual Bar :: bar () "int can be marked as an override [-Wsuggest-override] struct Bar: public Fooint bar () return 0; ;                           ^cc1plus: warning: command line parameter unknown "-Wno-c99-extensions" 

    NOTE: there are no warnings / errors when compiling with g ++ - 5 -Wno-c99-extensions a.cpp , so this option is checked by CMAKE using CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG

    This totally worries me because we are using Werror with exceptions via Wno-error = … “

    done on August 5, 2016 at 8:54 am Moscow time.


    Not The Answer You’re Looking For? Check Out Other Assumptions About C ++ G ++ Compiler Warnings, Suppress Warnings And / Or Ask Your Own Question.

    Esland you don’t need warnings only about unrecognized command line options, don’t use unknown command line options: -Wno-c99-extensions n ‘has never been a viable option for GCC (I think it might rattle). Just remove it from your command line version.

    A warning is issued only if there is another warning. Not all behavior seems intuitive, but it is actually expected and documented:

    error unrecognized command line option - werror=missing-prototypes

    “Unrecognized command line parameter” signal is not issued for -Wno-foo

    Beginning with GCC 4.4, GCC issues diagnostics in addition to the “If” explained in the GCC manual: looking for an unrecognized warning parameter ( -Wunknown-warning ) indicating that the main parameter is not recognized. However, if -Wno- is used, the behavior is slightly different: for -Wno-unknown-warning , no diagnostics are performed unless other diagnostics are performed. the last -Wno- options for use with older compilers, but if one of them is incorrect, the compiler warns about the presence of a new unrecognizedparameter. (For the history of this change, see PR28322)

    error unrecognized command line option - werror=missing-prototypes

    This may interrupt configuration tests that, in particular, check -Wno-foo options. The solution can be either a positive type check ( -Wfoo ), or a test case check that raises another warning.

    error unrecognized command line option - werror=missing-prototypes

    In fact, Google has very few subscriber list results where software developers fix this “problem”, especially with CMake, and trivial fixes to their build scripts that “fix” it.

    answered Aug 5 ’15 at 11:20



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