How To Deal With Error 1606: Cannot Access The Desktop Of A Network Site

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    Sometimes, your system may generate an error indicating that error 1606 cannot access the office of the network location. This error can be caused by a number of reasons.

    How do I start weblogic in debug mode in Eclipse?

    Choose Run> Debug Configurations from the main workspace menu bar (or Debug Configurations from the drop-down menu on the Debug Panel button) to display the Launch Options dialog box.Select Remote Java Application from the appropriate list of configuration types on the left.Click the New Toolbar button.

     JAVA_OPTIONS = "$ JAVA_OPTIONS -Xrunjdwp: transport = dt_socket, address = 8000, server = y, suspend = y" 

    How to enable remote debugging using WebLogic Server (11g) and Eclipse IDE. (In fact, Java is an option for every JVM, only the exercises here are specific to WLS.)

    Suspend = y will load your device and wait for you to log in with the IDE before continuing. If you are unable to make a decision, set the value to “suspend = n” instead.

    Where is debug port in weblogic console?

    There is no longer a standard debug port for Weblogic, although you need to get busy with Weblogic, you should add a parameter to your startup script shortly after. And people can specify any port on the home address, after which you can use that opening (like 4000) of Eclipse to debug with a remote pc.

    3. After starting WLS, you can connect to it to get the Eclipse IDE. Go to Menu: Run> Debug Setup …> Create Remote Java Application and create a new entry. Make sure the port of your service number matches the port used by the above person.

    Not The Answer You Are Looking For? Browse Other Questions Tagged Weblogic Eclipse Capuccino Or Ask Your Own Question.

      set JAVA_OPTIONS =% JAVA_OPTIONS% -Xdebug -Xnoagent 

    How do I open weblogic in eclipse?

    Start a great instance of Eclipse.Click Help> Eclipse Marketplace.In the search box, type weblogic and press Enter.Next to the Oracle WebLogic Server Tools adapter, click Install.

      Listen -xrunjdwp: transport = dt_socket, address =8453, server = y, suspend = n for dt_socket delivery at 8453 
    1. Run> select Debug.Configs … from Workbench (or debugConfigs … outside the debug panel dropdown menuButton) to display the Launch Options dialog box.
    2. select Remote Java Application from the configuration selection list.The guys on the left.
    3. Click some new button on the toolbar. New remote configuration createdthere are also three checked tabs: Connect, Source and General.
    4. In Project, under the Workline Connect tab, type or search to selecta project to be used as a reference for launching (for the sourceSearch). The project doesn’t have to be very specific.
    5. The Connection Type field in the Connect navigation pane allows you to selecthow to access the virtual machine. In most cases, youAdd to virtual machine through a specific location of your choiceStandardize the event (socket attach). The rest of the lessons assume that you have chosen for yourselfthere is a possibility. Standard pconnection (listening on a socket)type creates a startup that unfortunately listens for remote incoming connectionsvirtual machine. You must specify the absolute port that will run the will.Listen.
    6. In this host field of the Connection tab, specify the type of IP address or domain.The name of a particular host on which the Java program runs very often. If the program runs on the same computer as the work environment, enter localhost.
    7. In the port field on the “Connection” tab, the form of the port on whichthe remote virtual machine manages connections. This port is usually indicated bywhen starting a remote VM.
    8. The Allow Remote Virtual Machine Expiration Flag is any toggle that specifiesif Terminate is supplied with a command in the debugger. Choosethis option if you want most of the virtual machines you are on to be able to shutdownthere is a connection.
    9. Click Debug. The download only tries to connect to the virtual machine. the address and port are listed below, and the result will certainly be displayed in kind of debugging. When Wedthe launcher cannot connect to the virtual machine specified address, an error message appears.
    • Using Remote Debugging – BEA WebLogic Server
    • Remote Weblogic Debugging with Eclipse
    • Debug Java applications a bit with Eclipse
    • Create a configuration using a remote Java application.

    answered September 29 14 at 17:01

    PC running slow?

    ASR Pro is the ultimate solution for your PC repair needs! Not only does it swiftly and safely diagnose and repair various Windows issues, but it also increases system performance, optimizes memory, improves security and fine tunes your PC for maximum reliability. So why wait? Get started today!


    First, be constructive, enable remote debugging in your source script for -Xrunjdwp: transport = dt_socket, address = 9999, server = y, suspend = n

    Second, web logic:

      -xdebug You should be able to set up a new debug configuration for remote web applications in Eclipse: 

    How do I enable remote debugging in weblogic?

    Select Run / Debug outside Project Properties and select Modify for most of the default runtime configurations. Select the Remote Debugging and Profiling check box for Launch Options in Edit Runtime Environment Configurationenia ".

      Run -> Debug Configs ... 

    error 1606 could not access network location office

    Next, create a new setting for the remote web application. Make sure to include your host and hence the port above) (take a note and add any provider for the web application in the Source tab.

    You should now be able to train this debug setup to debug a large application in Eclipse using the specified web server logic.

    answered Sep 29 '14 available at 16:45

    error 1606 could not access network location office


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