How To Troubleshoot The Control Panel Portlet


This tutorial will identify some of the potential causes that might cause the Control Panel portlet to fire, and then outline some possible fixes that you can try to resolve the issue.

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    The control panel is divided into four important areas: Users, Sites, Applications, and Configuration. The settings in the Configuration section of this dashboard category include configuration settings that typically control how the portal works and how it integrates with your other systems. In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:



    Liferay has made many changes to the control panel. We can introduce our own portlet, the Liferay control panel. This is how we can add a custom portlet to your Liferay dashboard.


    • Java
    • Liferay Portal 7 / 7.x

    Environmental requirements

    • JDK 8
    • Eclipse
    • Liferay Portal

    Follow The Next Step To Add The Portlet To The Control Panel

    1. Create an MVC portlet

    1. Go to Liferay Project – Modules – New Workspace.
    2. Select Advanced – Liferay – Liferay Module Project and click Next. …
    3. Enter the name of the development.
    4. Select Project Template Name as mvc-portlet and click Next.
    5. Enter your namepackage and click “Finish”. The required file structure for the MVC module is created for the following reasons.

    Add a read property to the portlet class





    < p> 5












    17 < / p>





    < p> package com.ignek.portal.student.portlet;

    @Component (

    is immediately true,

    property =

    “Com.liferay.portlet.display-category = category.hidden”,

    “com. Liferay. Portlet.instanceable = true”,

    “javax. portlet .display-name = Student Portlet “,


    “javax. =” + StudentPortletKeys.PORTLET_ID,

    “javax.portlet. resource-bundle = content.Language”,

    “javax.portlet. security-role-ref = power-user, user”,


    service = Portlet.class


    Public StudentPortlet class extends MVCPortlet

    2. Your implementing constant class

    Package constants com.ignek.portal.student.Class;

    public StudentPortletKeys

    The public static end string PORTLET_ID implies “com_ignek_portal_student_portlet_StudentPortlet”;

    control panel portlet

    3. Add dependencies

    control panel portlet

    compileOnly group: “com.liferay”, name: com.liferay.application.list.api “

    4. Create a panel application component class

    This should extend the BasePanelApp class and declare things as a service with service = PanelApp.class.





    < p> 5












    17 < / p>









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    Package com.ignek.portal.student .portlet;

    @Component (

    immediate = true,

    property =

    “” “” “” “” “” Panel.category. Key = “+ PanelCategoryKeys.CONTROL_PANEL_USERS


    service = PanelApp.Class class) < / p>

    Public StudentPanelApp extends BasePanelApp


    public string getPortletId ()

    return StudentPortletKeys. PORTLET_ID;

    control panel portlet


    @Reference (target matches “( =” + StudentPortletKeys .PORTLET_ID + “)”, unbind equals “-“)

    public void setPo rtlet (Portlet

    superportlet) .setPortlet (portlet);

    Let’s see it

    The “panel.category.Defines key” part of the category, which in your case is “control_panel.users”. As a result, our student softwarertlet added to the “Users” section of the control panel.

    “” sets the position of the portlet on the portlet in your list under the “Users” section. Section in the panel. Your

    The required file structure has now been created as described below.

    5. Expand your module and you can select it in the Liferay control panel

    Ignek Infotech is unique among Liferay’s leading development and consulting service providers offering end-to-end solutions. We provide excellent solutions and services to our clients around the world. For more information on this unrelated topic, visit his Portfolio page.

    If you are using 7 packages in Liferay (for example created with Blade tools) you can make it work with embedded applications. The application bar assigns the functional portlet to the position on the control bar.

    Suppose you have a Blade generated portlet, for example:

      @component (    instantly true = Attribute =        "com.liferay.portlet.display-category = category.sample",        "com.liferay.portlet.instanceable = false",        " = cpportlet ",        "javax.portlet.display-name = management portlet", Panel " = power-user, user"    ,    service = Portlet.class)Public class CpPortlet extends GenericPortlet    @ Crush    void-protected doView (            RenderRequest renderRequest, RenderResponse renderResponse)        fires an IOException, PortletException        PrintWriter printWriter implies renderResponse.getWriter ();        printWriter.print ("The cp-portlet - Hello everyone!");     

    Now just create another OSGi component that implements the PanelApp service:

      @component (    immediately = true,    Property =        " Integer = 10000", // Define the list of positions in "panel.category.key =" + PanelCategoryKeys.SITE_ADMINISTRATION_CONTENT // To appear in session "Content"   ,     service = PanelApp.class)Stretching exercises in the open class CpPanelApp BasePanelApp    @ Crush    public string GetPortletId ()        Profit "Portlet"; // The name of the same person in the portlet.         @ crush   @Link(        target = "( = cpportlet)",        cancellation implies "-"    )    many empty setPortlets (portlet portlet)        super.setPortlet (portlet);     

    You can rely on the Application List API to compile it. Here we are faced with the classSom PanelApp . So just add this dependency to your build.gradle like below:

      dependencies compileOnly group: "com.liferay.portal", person name: "com.liferay.portal.kernel", version: "2.0.0"    compileOnly "javax group: .portlet", name: "portlet-api", version: "2.0"    compileOnly "org group: .osgi", name: "org.osgi.compendium", version: "5.0.0"    compileOnly area: "com.liferay", name: "com.liferay.application.list.api", version: "2.0.0" // added 

    It is now provided by a dependency, and normally the portlet appears in the list:

    This is the main idea – the documentation can be very informative.



    Improve the speed of your computer today by downloading this software - it will fix your PC problems.




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    Cómo Ayudar A Solucionar Problemas Del Portlet Del Panel De Control
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