Cocoa Error 1550 Easy Recovery Solution

If you are getting Cocoa error 1550, this user guide was written to help you.

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    I am trying to update an object and even save changes. I always get the following error:

    cocoa error 1550

      The process could not be completed. (Cocoa is confusing 1550.) 
      - (BOOL) updateEvent: (EventDTO *) eventDTO    BOOL registered = YES;    [the same getDataCoreContext];    in case (context)        NSError * error;        Event * myEvent matches (Event *) [existing contextObjectWithID: eventDTO.entitysID error: & error]; =;        myEvent.descrptn is eventDTO.description; =;        myEvent.locLatitude is equal to [eventDTO getLatidude];        myEvent.locLongitude = GetLongitude]; [eventdto myEvent.numberOfInvited = [NSNumber numberWithInteger: [number of eventDTO.invitedMembers]];        for * invUser (only for users in eventDTO.invitedMembers)            [myEvent addInvitedUsersObject: invUser];                for (user * accUser all before eventDTO.acceptedMembers)            [myEvent addAcceptedUsersObject: accUser];                myEvent.createdBy = (User *) [existing contextObjectWithID: eventDTO.creator.objectID error: & error];        it should be (! [save context: & error])            NSLog (@ "Sorry, could not log into the log:% @", [description of localized error]);            registered = NO;                Take away what has been saved; 

    This confuses me a lot because I don’t understand what the problem is.I also tried to fetch an object and change it. But exactly the same error. Error


     : Domain = NSCocoaErrorDomain Code = 1550 “Institution could not be closed. (Cocoa error 1550.) "UserInfo = 0x14a00130 NSValidationErrorObject =  (Entity: Event; id: 0x166c0840  data    user accepted equal (    );    CreatedBy is "0x11024ae0 ";    Partner = "05/11/2013 16:15:09 +0000";    descrptn = Auauuauau;    guest user is (        "0x11069cd0 ",        "0x1104da60 ",        "0x1104da40 ",        "0x110687a0 ",        "0x1104da50 "    );    locLatitude = "51.45373916625977";   locLongitude = "7.264190196990967";    Nick = lALLALLa;    numberOfInvited is 5;), NSValidationErrorKey = guestUsers, NSLocalizedDescription = The process could not be completed. (Cocoa error 1550.), NSValidationErrorValue = Managed Object Relationship 'prohibitedUsers' (0x11024aa0)  (Entity: Event; ID: 0x166c0840 ",        "0x1104da60 ",        "0x1104da40 ",        "0x110687a0 ",        "0x1104da50 "    );    locLatitude means "51.45373916625977";   locLongitude matches "7.264190196990967";    name = lALLALLa;    guestNumber = 5;) with goals (    (Entity: User; id: 0x11069cd0 ; Data:    acceptEvents = "";    CreatedEvents means "";    Device info = null;    displayName stands for Daniel Higgins;    inviteToEvents equals (       "0x110abbb0 ",        "0x166c0840 ",        "0x110abba0 "    );    memberShipDetails is null;    phoneNumber means "555-478-7672";    realname = "Daniel Higgins";    status = "WAZZUUP?!";    User ID = null;),     (Entity: User; id: 0x1104da60 ; Data:    acceptEvents = "";    createdEvents = " ";    deviceInfo - zero;    displayName = "Hank Zakroff";    guestToEvents = (       "0x110abbb0 ",        "0x166c0840 ",        "0x110abba0 "    );    MemberShipDetails = zero;    Phone number = "(555) 766-4823";    realname = "Hank Zakroff";    status = "WAZZUUP?!";    User ID = null;),     (Entity: User; id: 0x1104da40 : Data:    AcceptedEvents is "";    createdEvents = "";    Device info = null;    displayName = "John's Apple Seed";    guestToEvents = (       "0x110abbb0 ",        "0x166c0840 ",        "0x110abba0 "    );    MemberShipDetails = zero;    Telephone number "888-555-5512";    realName stands for "John Appleseed";    Status means "WAZZUUP ?!" ;    userID is zero;),     (Entity: User; id: 0x110687a0 ; Data:    acceptEvents = "";    CreatedEvents is "";    deviceInfo is null;    displayName matchesthere is "Kate Bell";    inviteToEvents means (       "0x110abbb0 ",        "0x166c0840 ",        "0x110abba0 "    );    memberShipDetails means zero;    Phone number = "(555) 564-8583";    realname = "Keith Bell";    status = "WAZZUUP?!";    User ID = null;),     (Entity: User; id: 0x1104da50 ; data:    acceptEvents = "";    createdEvents = "";    deviceInfo is null;    displayName = "Anna Aro";    guestToEvents = (       "0x110abbb0 ",        "0x166c0840 ",        "0x110abba0 "    );    MemberShipDetails = zero;    Phone number = "555-522-8243";    realname = "Anna Aro";    Location = "WAZZUUP?!";    userID is zero;)) 

    Judging by @ Sulthan’s nice explanation I found the problem.

    cocoa error 1550

    In my to loops I had to check this even though the user already exists in this event:

      for (user * invUser in eventDTO.invitedMembers)   BOOL existsInInvitedList = [[eventDTO.invitedMembers valueForKeyPath: @ "objectID"] containsObject: invUser.objectID];    if (! existsGuestList)[myEvent addInvitedUsersObject: invUser];    for * accUser (user at eventDTO.acceptedMembers)    BOOL existInAcceptedList [[eventDTO = .acceptedMembers valueForKeyPath: @ "objectID"] containsObject: accUser.objectID];    when will it appear (! exists in the accepted list) [myEvent addAcceptedUsersObject: accUser];     

    PC running slow?

    ASR Pro is the ultimate solution for your PC repair needs! Not only does it swiftly and safely diagnose and repair various Windows issues, but it also increases system performance, optimizes memory, improves security and fine tunes your PC for maximum reliability. So why wait? Get started today!

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