How Can I Fix The C2511 Overloaded Member Function That Was Not Found?

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    If you have an overloaded member function c2511 that was not found on your system, we hope this guide will help you.

    "Overload portion not found in Pizza

    These are void outputDescription and double computePrice functions. I can’t figure out what happened.

    I’m new to C ++ but the code looks correct. This is when it comes to learning. For something I must have 1 mutator function and 1 accessor function, a corresponding function to calculate the price, and a function to output the description of my pizza.

      #include #include Using the std namespace;Great pizza    publicly:        void getOrder (string, string, integer, integer);        void outputDescription (string &, string &, Int &, Int &) const;        double computePrice (string &, Int &, Int &) const;    Private:        Series type;        Chain size;       Inside hot pepper;       Cheese int;;int up ()    Garlic bread pizza customer;    double price;    Chain type;    Square size;   Inside hot pepper;   Cheese int;    customerpizza.getOrder (kind, size, pepperoni, cheese);   Pizza customer (type, circulation, size, pepperoni, cheese);    price = customerpizza.computePrice (size, cheese); Pepperoni, cost << "Total cost $" << Price << ".  N";    system ("PAUSE");    come 0;void pizza :: getOrder (chain type, extensionOther chains, pepperoni, int int cheese)    int pizzaType;    pizza size int;    cout << "Please define 1 for a deep bowl, 2 for a discarded little finger, or 3  n"; cout << "for pizza in a pan.  n";    cin >> pizza type;    Switch (PizzaTyp)            Subsection 1: type = "deep bowl";        Pause;        Argument 2: type = "throw manually";        Pause;        Package 3: type = "pan";        Pause;        default: cout << "You made the wrong choice. Please  n";                 cout << "Enter 8 for deep bowl, 2 for hand  n";                 cost << "cast, or 3 to win a pizza in the pan.  n";        cost << "Please select small, 2 - medium or more for  n";    cost is << half an inch of pizza.  No ";    cin >> pizza size;    Switch (pizza size)           Case 1: size implies small;        Pause;       Case 2: size means "medium";        Pause;       Case 3: size = "large";        Pause;        default: cout << "You made an invalid choice. Please  n";                 cost << inch 1 for small, 2 for medium or  n ";                 cout << "third large pizza.  n";        cout << "How many servings of pepperoni are there on this pizza?  n";    cin >> hot pepper;    cost << "How muchservings of cheese in this pizza?  n ";    cin >> cheese;void pizza :: outputDescription (chain type, chain size, pepperoni spacing, cheese spacing)    cout << "You ordered << size << << type <<" Chicken wings with  n ";    cout << pepperoni << "portions between pepperoni and" << cheese << endl;    cout << "portions of cheese.  n";Double Pizza :: computePrice (Twine Size, Pepperoni Int, Cheese Int)    double price;    if (size is "small")            Price = ten + (2 * (pepperoni + cheese));        otherwise, if (size = "medium")            Price = 14 + (2 (empty) (pepperoni + cheese));        otherwise, if (size = "large")            Selling price = 17 + (2 * (Pepperoni + Cheese));        Return price;        

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